Monday 19 January 2009

Google Earth

Google Earth is a satellite image of the Earth. It allows you to see pictures of the whole world via a click on your computer moniter. The more densely populated areas or areas of greater interest to the general public have a greater quality picture. It is good that google earth is freeand can be downloaded by anyone who has connection to the Internet. Google Earth Plus, which includes added features, and Google Earth Pro, costing $4oo per year, which is used more for commercial use.On the newer versions of google earth, a flight simulator has been introduced. You can fly a plane through famous cities and landmarks. Other features added to the original google earth include google sky and street view.I first used Google Earth around 4 years ago. I love using it because it is fun to see your house and other peoples houses by just writing the name of it. It also gives me the chance to look at places I will probably never visit which is exciting because i can see all the famous places all over the world for free.It could be very useful for all sorts of people. It may also be used by police to track criminals down. People wandering what the neighbourhood looks like of their friend's or families' new house looks like can easily search it on google earth. In short, Google Earth is revolutionalizing the way we can look at the world and should be enjoyed by all!

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